Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome in 2011-A New Beginning

Education is not the filing of a pail,
but the lighting of a fire.
-William Butler Yeats-
I hope everyone had a good vacation and feel ready to return to routine with the feeling of having a "fresh start!"  This is the perfect excuse to do some goal setting and reflection for both children and adults. For parents, it is a good time to dedicate yourself to reading to your child/children at bedtime and having some one- on- one time with your child. It is also important to take some time for yourself, even if it is only an hour every day or two.  You will be a more effective parent when you are refreshed. (Don't roll your eyes!) I would like to share an activity that I do every year. There are lots of names for it...a "prosperity page," a "vision board," a "goal collage." It is, in short,  visual representation of your goals.  For children it can be a "me collage."
The Activity: Creation of a "Vision Board" or "Me Page"
Description:  There a different ways to approach this     
                      project. You might
  1.   write down the goals you want to include.
  2.  Look through magazines, catalogs, newspapers. and photos.
  3.  Cut out pictures, words, quotes that reflect your goals.
  4.  Arrange what you have cut out on a 12" x 12" piece of card stock, or a background to your choosing. 
  5. Glue down your pictures/words.
  6. Embellish using templates, stickers etc. (Optional)
  7. Hang your vision board in a place that you will see it every day. (The idea is that when you see your goals in this way, you will internalize those goals and be likely to achieve them.)   
 I will be teaching a class on Sat.,Jan. 15th to create your 
"Vision Board."
To register go to or call 303-502-4586.

For Children: You can make it a "Me Collage.
  1. Children can look through magazines, catalogs, newspapers.
  2. Cut out pictures, words, etc that reflect who they are.
  3. Lay out the cuttings on a piece of card stock of the size they choose.
  4. Paste down the pictures with a photo of themselves in the middle.
  5. Embellish with stickers, or use a template to decorate.
  6. This is a good project for the beginning of the school year to get an idea of the individuality and interests of students.
  7. Children can also do the project as a goal setting tool.
  • magazines, catalogs, newspaper, photos
  • card stock or background of choice.
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • stickers, templates with markers, (optional)
  • frame or page covers (optional)
         The "Homework Happening" begins today, Thursday,
          at 3:30-5:30. 950C Jersey St. 
Bring in assignments, projects for support, ideas, and tools to make your work the best that it can be!
            Call: 303-331-1418 for information. 
          Here's to a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!
   May learning be fun and meaningful and memorable.



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